Mild Pepper Games

Man disappointed that a few shows on HBOMax don't have nudity

Doc Travers, a mid-thirties husband, and father, was shocked to discover that not every show had nudity in his HBOMax streaming service.

"I thought I was getting the best mature entertainment that money could buy," he stated, "but someone slipped in a kid's show."

After clicking through seven pages of true Detective, Game of Thrones, Sopranos, and Hooker Island, he slipped upon a measly PG-14 show.

"What is this junk?" Doc argued, searching The Adventure Time exclusive for forbidden love scenes, "I demand the most adult nature of shows. If I wanted a family show, I would watch House of Cards on Netflix."

He surfed a few pages, making sure that all his series had at least ten F-bombs per episode with a brutal kill scene. 

"I don't want some kiddie show like The Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy," he complained, skipping the dialogue of Chernobyl to get to the mutilation scenes.
