Mild Pepper Games

Another Child, Horribly Influenced By Video Games, Becomes A Lawyer After Playing Ace Attorney

Does art imitate life or does life imitate art? I think we know the answer to that as another child becomes a lawyer after being highly influenced by the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney games.

Cedric Daniels, age 11, runs around his house yelling "objection" when asked to go to bed. He insists on gathering evidence and collecting isolated testimonies from both his parents. His parents, Todd and Melissa, are deeply concerned.

"When I make dinner, he insists on examining exhibit A. I feel like I am on trial in my own home," Melissa remarks.

Cedric is just one example of kids taking the poor example set by Phoenix Wright. Harvard Law has acknowledged that their application of entrance has been flooded by 8 to 14-year-olds influenced by the game.

"It's a dark path becoming a servant of justice," Larry Bernstein, Harvard Law Professor insists, "Pretty soon kids will be cross-examining each other on the playground. It's reckless."

As of now, Melissa and Todd Daniels are leaving copies of Doom and GTA around the house, hoping their child will pick a less threatening ambition.
