Mild Pepper Games

Kid Discovers His New PS5 is just a Trapper Keeper


Bill Montel, Oklahoma City, OK, came out of Best Buy excitedly holding what he thought was a PS5. As soon as he brought it home he immediately he realized he paid $500 for a retro early 90's organization folder. 

"I kept wondering why I couldn't plug my old controllers into it. I just thought this was a new generation of gaming that I did not understand," Billy said.

This isn't the first time this happened. The unconventional shape of the white PS5 and it's odd stature has confused many people. Reports say that people are bringing home white misshapen logs, broken boxes, and tombstones that look strikingly like the PS5.

"It's so hard to tell what a PS5 looks like," one local gamer stated, "It looks like a loose meat sandwich with two sleds on either end."

Further reports are saying that Billy said the graphic of a seal on the Trapper Keeper had a nice 4k resolution and he was relieved that the papers he had at home were compatible with the outdated hardware.

Best Buy did not give us a response as to why they sold a Trapper Keeper for a kid for $500, but they did mention it was on sale.
