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Sony Releases 8 Spider-Man Origin Reboots For Phase 16 of Spider-Man Universe

SONY STUDIOS is an ambitious company just trying to serve the fans what they always loved and expected from the Spider-Man Universe. Taking the reigns from Disney, they decided it was time to reignite what we have loved about the Spiderverse: Reboots.

Phase 16 of the Spider-Man Universe will have 8 shiny origin reboots. That will be 8 new Spider-Man actors who will don the shiny arachnid suit and swing around the city. Peter Parker is rumored to be played by: Robert Pattinson, Haley Joel Osment, Seth Rogen, Andrew Garfield, James Franco, Idris Elba, Ryan Reynolds and Kirstin Dunst.

Of course there will be Easter Eggs for the loyal Spider-Man fans. In one scene, you can see Tom Holland lighting the stage set on fire, while weeping. In another scene, you can see Tobey McGuire panhandling on the streets of NYC.  In Spider-Man Far From Holland, you can see Disney Studios and Marvel filming a superior film in the background.

Who are the villains in these 8 reboots? It will rotate between Green Goblin, Vulture, and Lizard.

Witness Peter Parker get bitten by a radioactive spider in 8 different movies. Marvel at how much Sony shot themselves in the foot. Join the action as Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane will be a different race in each movie.
