Mild Pepper Games

Adorbs! Man Proposes to Anime Body Pillow (Who Can't Stop Blushing)

They say romance is dead, but Ryan Taylor, a native of Bastrop Texas, just did the most romantic thing. After five years of respectful courting, Ryan popped the question to Shinyuki Yam Yam Panda No Ichi, his beloved body pillow.

Shinyuki did not expect it in the least. Not once did she question Ryan treating her with the special washing detergent, calling it a spa. She had no idea he would drag her to her favorite park where he likes to LARP. He got down on one knee and opened up the ring clamshell. A 24-carat Dragonball ring was presented to her.

"Shinyuki Yam Yam," he said with tears welling up in his eyes, "My days were lonely without you. You have added so much to me. Will you make me the happiest man in the world by being my husbandato?" 

Shinyuki was speechless, blushing from ear to ear. At first, she looked helpless and vulnerable, but Ryan later explained that was her resting face. Ryan was quick to note that she nodded when he asked the question. He then swept her up off her feet and they both spun around. He looked into her big beautiful eyes and smiled.

"Let's go home and celebrate to Great Value Mac and Cheese and a Gundam marathon!"
