Mild Pepper Games

Nerd Polls: Losing your parents on a boat/plane now cool way to become hero

Recent polls from Totally Nerd Inc show that a white 20 something losing a parent (or both) to a plane or boat accident and then trying to establish a super hero life out of it is the trendiest thing to do now.

50% of those polled also say that the white kid must walk back to his parent's mansion/business and pretend that everything is back to normal. One-third of those fans prefer that the super hero own some kind of enterprise.

Gone are the days of a rich kid losing his parents to a gunman or a sloppy mugger. Now the fans are demanding boat, plane or car accident

A stunning 25% prefer that the Caucasian millennial walk back barefoot, while others only ask that he have an angry confrontation with a rich business owner.

The trend numbers do not lie. Writers from DC are actually planning a Batman reboot where Joe Cool is a plane and Bruce's parents were in it on their tragic night. The Daredevil will lose his dad on a boat called The Kingpin. We might even see a Guardians of the Galaxy backstory where Rocket Raccoon's mom was killed in a tugboat coming to America.
