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Zack Snyder stunned to learn that The Punisher and Batman are two different people

It came as quite a surprise to leading DC director, Zack Snyder, as he learned that Batman and The Punisher are not the same person. This came as a shock to the seasoned director.

"They both wear dark colors and they both have symbols on their chest," exclaimed Zack.

The mistake can be clearly seen as The Batman in the recent Dawn of Justice movie is doing everything Marvel's Punisher would do.

"Had I known that they were two separate characters I would not have made Batman into a reckless killing machine."

It also stands to note that Zack realized Batman is a syndicated comic book series and that there is actually a history behind him.

"I had no idea that Batman was an actual character with a deep history. I just thought he was a variation of Frank Castle."

Zack Snyder vows not to make the same mistake in the future and will even clear up the misunderstanding that Superman and a red wrecking ball are not the same thing.
