Mild Pepper Games

Vince McMahon startled awake by the reoccuring nightmare of David Arquette winning the Universe Title


"It happened again," Vince Mcmahon cried, calling Triple H on the other line. "What if Arquette goes on our roster and wins the title?"

Vince Mcmahon confessed to Wrestling Insider that he has been plagued with the nightmare of David Arquette winning the Universe Title. In the dream he sees David Arquette hitting Kevin Owens with a chair and being crowned the victor. Every night he wakes up with night terrors. 

Despite the disastrous mishaps by WCW in early 2000, Mcmahon has been extra vigilante trying to keep the title away from any Arquette family member.

"But still, it could happen. What if we get in a slump? What if Russo writes an episode of Raw? What if the fans demand it?"

Every night Vince replays this horrible scenario to confidant, Triple H. Triple H assures him that the raw talent of Goldberg is enough to carry the future of wrestling and he should worry no more.

Vince usually counts his money until he falls back asleep.
