Mild Pepper Games

Comicon changes name to "Harley Quinn and Deadpool Fanclub"

It was bound to happen. After years of Comicon shows all around the United States, Harley Quinn and Deadpool are the only two characters anyone will dress up as.

"You used to see Spock, Chewbacca, Superman, Batman and Sailor Moon," one beleaguered comicon goer lamented, "but now it is Deadpool and Harley Quinn from wall to wall."

Comicon quickly noticed the trend and started adapting their expo to reflect the two characters. The money started pouring in as clown faced women and red ninja costumes started showing up.

Jeff Walsh is a Comicon Creative Director. He jumped on the Deadpool and Harley train instantly. "Our guests will be treated to the Harley Quinn look alike contest, The Deadpool drawing workshop, The Ryan Reynolds Q & A center, and the Harley Quinn marriage seminar."

For those who still believe that Comicon should be about other forms of science fiction they will be carted into a small room where they will get to talk to Mark Hamill and ask him to do his Joker impression.
